DSQ Media is a web design studio specializing in user experience. We have the big-brand tools and know-how to help small businesses and non-profits grow by optimizing their online presence and social media reach.

Our Services


51% of digital media is viewed from a mobile device, and customers expect an easy to use mobile site that gets them the information they need. We create websites that are responsive, meaning they look great and function properly on every sized screen, ensuring that your customers get the information they need, wherever they are.

Digital Marketing

We’re digital marketing experts that know how to create an engaged audience on social media. We will represent your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and whatever other social media trend comes down the pipeline.

Wordpress Coaching

Sometimes you just want to update your Wordpress website site without having to call your developer every 15 minutes but you’re not sure how to update an image or create a new blog post. We offer 1 on 1 WordPress coaching to help you navigate and manage your WordPress site.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) uses various tactics to ensure that search engines are finding your website and displaying it when potential customers search for your products or services. Our SEO experts work hard to ensure that your site is high ranking on all organic searches.

Recent Projects

Straight From the Go

The Team at Stright From the Go contacted us after reaching a level of frustration with their previous developer that they couldn’t ignore. The developer was non-responsive, the User experience was challenging, website SEO was non-existent and product updates were not being completed. With a big event looming that would give them national exposer they contacted us. They were so pleased with what we gave them, they wanted to launch immediately.


After closing the doors of her previous business the founder of AMT Tax Advisory Services was looking to start all over, and the business required all new branding, new website, logo, new social media pages and business Cards.  She needed it fast and on a tight budget.  So she reached out to D Square Media Group for help, and we delivered on-time and on budget.

Alderman David Moore

The newly elected  17th ward Alderman needed a brand new website that would allow him to provide information on resources, community events, and news. We delivered that and more.

Our Story

Founded in 2015 on the belief that small and medium-sized businesses and organizations should have the ability to provide excellent user and customer experiences on the web and mobile as multi-million dollar corporations. There are a lot of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, mom and pop shops and even companies who have found success that are looking for ways to meet their business goals gain new customers and get a great return on the marketing dollars they are spending. We service these businesses by helping them acquire new customers at a profit.

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